Florida is rolling out a groundbreaking way of addressing mental health treatment, recovery, and rehabilitation facility, and SBLM is excited to be partnering with The Internal Services Division and South Florida Behavioral Network to design a framework for this project.
With a budget of $35 million the facility will be housed in an abandoned former State Psychiatric Hospital that is leased to the County/South Florida Behavioral Network. The facility is expected to open late 2019.
The Mental Health Diversion Facility will host a comprehensive array of treatment and support services including triage/screening and assessment, crisis stabilization unit, short term residential treatment and therapeutic and vocational training with a “step-down” concept. The facility will offer comprehensive on site services for the residents and former residents including various levels of residential treatment, outpatient behavioral health and primary care treatment, crisis respite services, legal and social proceedings and support/vocational/therapeutic services.
By housing a complete and comprehensive array of services in one location, the facilities goal is to provide critical treatment needs that have gone unmet in the past and reduce the likelihood of recidivism to the justice system, crisis settings and homelessness in the future.
Miami-Dade County is home to the largest percentage of people with serious mental illnesses of any urban community in the United States. The City and County have already trained first responders to recognize and deal with serious mental disorders and the new Mental Health Diversion Facility will offer a comprehensive treatment program as an alternative to correctional facilities for this underserved population.
Plans for renovation are being finalized and construction will begin early 2018.
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